Scaling up can be daunting. Existing processes don’t always work when moving to greater numbers of customers. Planning is essential as many businesses expand beyond their capabilities. So how can we work towards sustainability and expansion at the same time?

A strong and detailed review of your organization and your processes are key. In this way the major break-points can be discovered and strategies for mitigating the risk can be put in place. Common points of failure for process expansion can be defined and processes put in place to identify them early.

As much as we would love to believe that this is it, the only way is up, the recent recessions (and of course pandemics) can result in the urgent need to scale down temporarily. Any system should be designed to be agile enough to scale up and down as needed. Scaling resources up and down is not unusual in large industry – why not with smaller organizations? Whichever category you fall into, a tailored solution to suit your your needs can be defined with Craobh Technology Consulting.